Alternative Futures of Work – Are You Ready?
As AI and machine learning advance, human augmentation becomes less dystopian and more utilitarian. There is definite trepidation about the increase of machines in the workforce, many fear for their livelihood, robotic overlords and other such visions of how a robot / AI future would look. Some roles may disappear, others will emerge bringing employment to more people. Recent global disruptions, shifting marketplaces, and other unexpected situations have magnified the need for flexibility and new ways of working. Technology will further revolutionize the relationship between people and technology, powering us towards greater productivity.
As organizations gradually transition out of ‘survival’ and review what lies ahead, the experience and lessons learned from 2020’s biggest remote working experiment show us the best world of work is ours to create, if we are willing to adapt. Leaders must address the significant upskilling and augmentation that will be required to elevate their workforces and communicate a compelling vision in which technology plays an additive, not subtractive role, in the lives of employees- empowering them, making work more interesting, productive and meaningful, so that people can think, learn, and create.
Talking points:
- How NEW is augmentation at work?
- Is it replacing or enhancing, or both?
- Greater digital divide, or new employment opportunities?
- Does EQ currency come into play?
Track 1: Enterprise Cloud